Journal of World Buddhist Cultures

Author Guidelines


  • 1. Manuscripts for publication in the Journal of World Buddhist Cultures (JWBC) must not have been published in or submitted to another journal or the equivalent thereof.
  • 2. A manuscript including graphs and diagrams should not exceed 10,000 words (20,000 characters in Japanese), excluding the abstract. If English is not the author’s native language, the editorial board strongly recommends that the author has a native speaker look over their manuscript prior to submission.
  • 3. A 200–300-word English abstract must be submitted along with the manuscript.
  • 4. Manuscripts in Japanese should be written horizontally.
  • 5. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in both MS Word and PDF formats.
  • 6. Images should be submitted as JPEG files along with the manuscript as separate files.
  • 7. Authors may use bold and underlined font to emphasize sentences and terms. Please ensure you specify if you have applied bold or underline to the font to text quoted from another source.
  • 8. Authors are required to submit five keywords that best represent the content of their manuscripts.
  • 9. Please ensure that you indicate where images and diagrams should be placed in the manuscript.
  • 10. Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for images, pictures, and diagrams. For more information, see the Copyright Research and Information Center website.
  • 11. Non-alphabetic languages (i.e., Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan) should be Romanized. For more information, see the ALA-LC Romanization Tables (
  • 12. The copyright of an accepted manuscript belongs to the Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures (RCWBC). If an author plans to submit their accepted manuscript for publication elsewhere, or to translate it, they are required to obtain authorization from the RCWBC. In principle, the RCWBC allows authors to use their own works without any charge.
  • 13. Manuscripts accepted for publication in the JWBC are uploaded on the RCWBC website as PDF files or in other electronic formats. A few hard copies may be printed. In addition, the RCWBC may offer publication information to archives of other research institutes.


  • 14. References should follow the Chicago Manual of Style.
    Sample Citations
    • ・Footnote
      Last Name of Author, Title of Book, page range.
      【e.g.】 Hahn and Wakahara, Kapphinabhyudaya or King Kapphina’s Triumph, 77.
    • ・Bibliography
      Last Name, First Name and First Name Last Name. Title of Book. Publisher City: Publisher Name, year published.
      【e.g.】 Hahn, Michael and Yusyo Wakahara. Kapphinabhyudaya or King Kapphina’s Triumph: A Ninth Century Kashmiri Buddhist Poem. Kyoto: Hōzōkan, 2007.

    ―Journal article―

    • ・Footnote
      Last Name of Author, “Title of Article,” page range.
      【e.g.】 Nohnin, “On ‘Shakuso Eden,’ a Tibetan Illustrated Biography of the Buddha,” 15.
    • ・Bibliography
      Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal volume number, issue number (Date published): page range.
      【e.g.】 Nohin, Masaaki. “On ‘Shakuson Eden,’ a Tibetan Illustrated Biography of the Buddha: The Edification of Ajātaśatru and the Nirvāṇa of the Buddha,” Journal of World Buddhist Cultures Inaugural Preparatory Issue (November 2016): 3–23.
  • 15. Please ensure that you provide the URL for online sources included in the footnotes and the bibliography.
  • 16. A bibliography should be provided at the end of the manuscript.
  • 17. For detailed information, see the latest version of the Chicago Manual of Style.

【Peer Review】

  • 18. Submissions are subject to a double-blind peer review. The outcome may be as follows:
    • (A) Accepted without any changes (accept)
    • (B) Accepted with minor revisions (accept)
    • (C) Re-evaluation after major revisions (conditionally accept)
    • (D) Rejected
  • 19. The editorial board will send the peer review results to the authors, which may include comments or suggestions from the reviewers. If the authors do not agree with the results or comments, they may raise an objection with the editorial board.


  • 20. Authors will be asked to proofread the manuscript twice before publishing. They may make minor changes (i.e., removing a few sentences or adding brief explanations), but not major ones. The editorial board is responsible for the third (final) proofreading and for applying the JWBC format to the manuscript.
  • 21. Authors are expected to complete each round of proofreading within one week.


  • 22. Any acknowledgements, including assistance from proof-readers and editors, should be kept brief. A grant support acknowledgement statement should be included in the manuscript, followed by the grant number, if applicable.

【Publication and Copyright】

  • 23. The copyright of a published article belongs to the RCWBC, Ryukoku University.
  • 24. Authorization from the editorial board is required for the reproduction or translation of an article published in the JWBC. Please ensure that you indicate that the article has been published in the JWBC.
  • 25. The JWBC does not produce offprints of articles.
  • 26. Manuscripts along with images should be sent electronically to the following email address:
    The Office of the Journal of World Buddhist Cultures, Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University.


  • 27. The subject line of the email containing the manuscript for submission must read as follows: “JWBC: Your Name.”
  • 28. The editorial board has complete authority over the aforementioned regulations, and reserves the right to accept or decline any submission.

This guideline is in effect from July 4, 2022.
Editorial board of the JWBC

Call for Papers

The Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures at Ryukoku University will publish the Journal of World Buddhist Cultures (E-Journal) Vol. 6.

The Journal of World Buddhist Cultures (JWBC) is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at developing and disseminating broad knowledge related to Buddhism. It also attempts to encourage international intellectual exchange seeking solutions to various problems of people living in the unpredictable and uncertain modern world by actively engaging with Buddhist studies. The JWBC defines Buddhist studies broadly, also including philosophy, literature, history, politics, economics, anthropology, sociology, criminology, and area studies related to Buddhism one way or another. (Extracted/Cited from “Author Guidelines. For details, see the file below.”)

A manuscript including graphs and diagrams should not exceed 10,000 words (20,000 characters in Japanese), excluding the abstract. For more information, please see the files below. (Extracted/Cited from “Author Guidelines. For details, see the file below.”)

【Submission Deadline】
September 30, 2022

Editorial Board of JWBC:

【Files attached】
Aims and Scope
Author Guidelines